I Am a Fraud and ChatGPT Is My Brain
i genuinely don’t know who i am without chatgpt anymore
like actually. i can’t do anything without it. essays? chatgpt. reports? chatgpt. code? chatgpt. slide decks? chatgpt. entire presentations where i pretend to care about a topic i learned 5 minutes ago? chatgpt. even this rant? probably 30% chatgpt at this point.
i don’t even feel like a person anymore. i’m just a human-shaped vessel with zero skills, zero original thoughts, and a complete dependency on a chatbot to function.
i’m so socially inept it’s laughable. every time i have to talk to someone face to face i literally want to melt into the floor. interviews? kill me. networking? what’s that. even casual conversations feel like boss fights. like bro i’ll literally practice saying “hi” in my head 20 times and STILL mess it up.
i fake interest in everything. literally everything. uni? fake. career path? fake. applying to jobs? 100% fake. all of it is just performative nonsense because deep down i don’t know what i’m doing, i don’t know what i want, and i don’t even know what i like.
i’m not even burnt out. this isn’t burnout. this is “i’ve been pretending for so long that i don’t know what’s real anymore.”
i used to think i was smart but now i’m convinced i just had decent memory and now that life actually requires effort and direction i’m completely lost. and everyone around me seems to be doing okay? like they go to events, they have opinions, they can TALK without needing a script?? what sorcery??
it’s like i outsourced my entire brain and now i’m just this empty shell trying to pass off as someone “capable” while clinging to AI-generated responses and pretending i care.
if you told me to go one day without chatgpt i think i would just sit in silence. not even as a bit. like genuinely i would just freeze.
i’m so tired of faking it. but i don’t know how to stop.