A girl died.
TW: Suicide mentioned A 14 year old girl committed suicide in my area two days ago and it is just very heartbreaking. Apparently the reason was her mother slapped her for not getting enough marks and then she did not gave her food (I am not aware of the details fully) but it shook me because I also have a sister around the same age and I think we as muslims especially desi parents should lean towards gentle parenting. When I heard the news I remember how I felt the same when my parents shouted at me or hit me sometimes I just wanted to run away from home or die and unfortunately these feelings and these thoughts did not go away when I became a teenager. I feel like I would have been more emotionally secure if I was not constantly screamed at. I secretly took therapy at the age of 20 and Alhamdulilah I am a lot better now. I understand being strict with your children is important at times but you have to be really careful as this is also their first time living and they are literally just babies. Parents if you are reading this please be more gentle especially concerning academics.