Ladies and gentlemen, with the elimination of Synthetic Love, we are now down to our last round. Here are the final four! I think we know what song will go (even though I'm very much hoping it doesn't go) considering it's consistently been in second for most votes, but we could be in for a surprise.

On with the voting!


  1. Black Damask (The Fog)

  2. Devil's Night

  3. Burned At Both Ends

  4. Fatal


Synthetic Love (9/30 votes: 30%)

Puppets 2 (The Rain) [9/28 votes: 32.1%]

Sinematic (9/29 votes: 31%)

If It's Dead, We'll Kill It (6/25 votes: 24%)

Sick From The Melt (5/30 votes: 16.7%)

Infamous (5/30 votes: 16.7%)

The Divine Infection (5/30 votes: 16.7%)

Hatefuck (4/18 votes: 22.2%)

Underdog (4/19 votes: 21.1%)

A-M-E-R-I-C-A (4/19 votes: 21.1%)

Remember to vote for your LEAST favorite of the bunch.

Vote Here