Theres no way the characters are this dumb right?
Im part way through monster hunter wilds and Like am i missing something? Why does every npc you meet not know what a sword or weapon is, and doesn’t understand the concept of hunting the monsters or fighting back, like your telling me, that you ALL have knives for cooking, and ALL wear pelts made of monster fur and never thought: “hey! if i can use these to cut monster pelt….Why not make a bunch of big ones and actually defend our village instead of hiding every single time one shows up for the last thousands of years!”
Like i swear to god every village you go too, the people just say “what did you just do to that monster?? Whats that ‘tool’ on your back??” Like bro theres no way humans have had thousands of years in this universe and only the guild has come up with the concept of weaponry on a scale to fight the monsters, going even further theres no way the guild made these weapons and there haven’t been leaks to the public, like your telling me there was an invention of monster slaying weapons and it hasnt spread like wildfire to the rest of the globe?
For christ sake you visit an entire smithing village and they host a big smelting festival, how the F do they not make weapons by now like???? Idk maybe im just missing lore or something but its just super unbelievable and unrealistic Id sooner believe a real life black flame would come crashing into my home than believe that weapons wouldn’t be the most popular thing in the monster hunter universe