Should i get a miata?
i currently drive a 2014 impala with 200k miles. (it’s technically not my car) i’m 19 and looking to buy myself a car. i make enough to where i would be able to afford a miata, and it would be around the same price range of other vehicles i’ve been looking at. i work with vehicles and i’ve always loved the little cars- VW beetles, Minis, fiats, miatas, and i feel like it’d be a perfect car for me.
for example: i have like one and a half friends so i never have more than one person in my car at a time
i only go to work and general stores around my area so i don’t commute farther than like a 35-50 minute drive.
i need to learn to drive a manual for my job
i love silly cars.
the only reason that’s driving me away is the fact i live in Utah and snow gets rough at times. but in the snow i’m very careful and my current tires on my impala make it horrendous to drive anyways.
would it be a bad idea for me to get one?