COVID-19 and AAMC (MCAT, AMCAS, and more) Mega Discussion
NAD yet, but I prescribe you all with memes to get you through these tough times.
Will be updating this post as time goes.
Update (4/24/2020):
Registration for the updated 2020 MCAT Testing Calendar will open on May 7. The scheduling system is temporarily unavailable while we prepare the system to reopen. Please visit the MCAT Coronavirus page for more information.
Update (4/11/2020):
All MCAT exam administrations through May 21 have been canceled globally. We will be adding new dates in the coming weeks.The scheduling system is temporarily unavailable while new dates are added. Check back on April 17 for more information about reopening the scheduling system and the addition of the new test dates. For more details regarding impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19) on 2020 testing, please visit the MCAT Coronavirus page.
Update (3/17/2020):
March 27 and April 4 MCAT exam administrations have been canceled globally. You will receive a cancellation email if you haven't already. Flexible rescheduling has been extended for exams taking place through the end of May.
AAMC Services (including MCAT, AMCAS, VSLO, ERAS, the Fee Assistance Program and SHPEP) are modifying some operations during this rapidly changing situation due to coronavirus. We continue to monitor guidance from the CDC and WHO.
Q: How to stay updated?