Why don't more games do the Warrior-Priest Melee Staff archetype?

I'm thinking mainly of the Aion Chanter here. They had chain mail armor so were quite sturdy, along with heals, and they weren't dodging around nonstop like other melee staff classes in other games. Their staff attacks hit hard with a heavy satisfying sound and animations. They stood their ground with heavy hits, knockbacks, knockdowns, stuns, parries, etc. and just bonked you to death with all the neat swirls of the staff.

Few games nowadays even do melee staff classes. Some older games did but even those that exist are either squishy Monk types who dodge a lot (which I think is dumb), and their hits feel lightweight, or they are healer types despite having a cool melee staff (GW2 why do you do this). Being so squishy you need to dodge around and then have these weak hits to follow it up feels lame, compared to a sturdy warrior type bashing your head in right?

Why don't we see more games doing the Warrior Priest melee staff archetype? It's a really cool style but it baffles me that I don't think I've seen another do it. I can't imagine it's hard to design and it's far more interesting than some of the other melee classes and/or weapons you see.

Seeing how popular that class was and still is, I'm surprised the idea hasn't caught on in games that have come out since then?