Some MMO positivity!
New poster to reddit, but I view the MMORPG subreddit often, so please don’t think I’m a bot!
I’d like to start off listing some of the MMO’s I’ve played, and what parts I’ve actually enjoyed, and was hoping you might do the same.
I’ll try to do it in chronological order, as well.
My first MMO & one I’m super nostalgic about, it was I believe a Korean MMO in the early 2000’s. It had super awesome music & a really vibrant community (NA). I really enjoyed the grouping and finally hitting Dark Sanctuary on my 7X Pike/Mage. Also had a lot of fun in (Survive or Die?), SoD, whatever it stood for.
Liked the world, seeing people sell, leveling and maining one of the magic classes - wizard I believe? The community was super helpful despite feeling lost in the world a lot. I especially liked their take on classes & my experience leveling there.
Mostly played this with a toaster of a computer - I couldn’t even load the graphics, but if I recall correctly it was pretty hyped for being a 3D MMO. Eventually quit because my toaster oven couldn’t load the graphics.
Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst - another short stint of mine, but at the time I really enjoyed the graphics and coordinated group play.
Knight Online:
Barely remember this one, but the combat seemed quite nice.
For a side scroller I really loved the world and the combat.
Spent several years here, and did everything from Arena, to RBGs, Mythic Raiding, M+ and eventually speed running Vanilla Pservers/Classic. Lots of good times, especially before datacenter merges.
Warhammer Online:
My, my was RvR fun! If only my server didn’t start playing musical chairs instead of pvp & endgame wasn’t the way it was! Had a lot of fun on my RP server.
Flashy gameplay and aesthetics.
Currently here again (just re-subbed). Loved raiding during ARR Second Coil & really enjoyed the Zalera community. Also loved the people in my old Linkshell and the friends I made there.
Loved Skyrim so it was fun exploring in ESO a bit. Great community it seemed.
Loved the pvp (arena-esque) & wvw. The questing to level was surprisingly good and the dungeons just punishing enough.
Absolutely enjoyed the lifeskills that the game offers, housing, gathering etc, as well as the character creation & outfit sub-game. I know it’s touted as a PvP MMO, but I personally never felt that way.
The leveling story was peak for an MMO, loved playing out my Revan-Knight vibe, and enjoyed the challenging PvE (R4 HM).
Welp, it was new at least :) Seems like it would be fun if you had the right community, time, or wallet.
That’s all I can remember, I’m sure there’s more. Sorry for the terrible post - not exactly peak content, but i wanted to cheer everyone up :)
Interested to see what you’ve all played & enjoyed and maybe I’ll find an MMO out in the rough!