Monster name call outs

Monster Hunter Wilds has done an amazing thing for me. It got enough traction and reco gnition that the majority of my IRL friends bought the game even though it is not something they would typically go for. Our discord is alive and well again and it is not uncommon to be sitting in a call with 6 of my closest friends (and some of their wives) all playing monster hunter. That being said... we have come to the relization that the monster names in this game are absurd. Absurd to a point where we operate under the notion that if you get close enough to the name written everyone will know what hunt you are about to post. Some of the hilarious names that we call out over discord are,



-La la Barista



-UwU said with a high pitched "tehe" after


-Romp "OLOLOLO" sound from age of empires priests



and last but certainly not least -That annoying fucking fire chicken

Just wanted to know if anyone else had some good names to let their squad know what the hunt is going to be, and shout out to Monster Hunter for "Getting the Band back together" as it were.

Edit: formatting