I need some help on my mindset of the game…
I can’t remember since when, probably since Rise.
There was a certain time point that I suddenly feel ashamed for “helping” low rank people in the game… and since then I never join lower ranks game, I want to discuss if this is normal or not.
I used to love SOS in world and ice born, because it really felt like helping ppl from failing their quests.
But since rise, my mind keep telling me that doing SOS is more like destroying the game experience of the host rather than helping them.
Usually the host shot the flare, and ppl joined the game, and with meta builds, people usually just kill the monsters in almost 1 min, even soft lock the monster in staggers and till the end, the host probably hasn’t seen the full moveset of the monster yet.
Please help me and tell me if I am wrong… I really want to enjoy every single part of the game. Thank you!
Edit: Hey, just want to say thank you guys, it really helped a lot, I think I can enjoy the game much better now with all your helps. xD