Reflection on authenticity in this show.. and what we should learn from it
I just have a reflection from watching this show, and it is how much authentic each one of the characters is, and it just made me reflect on how awful dating scene is for neurotypical folks. I am a mum of an autistic boy, and trying to meet someone is seriously challenging (not because he is on the spectrum - because well, things have become so bad on the online dating scene.
At least this show gave me hope, that (hopefully) he will meet people one day who will like him for who he is, his interests and spear him all the BS and drama that NT folks need to navigate.
I love the authenticity in this show, every person is honest, to the point, truthful. This is the beautiful side of being on a spectrum. There is no bullshitting, ghosting, ignoring, lying to another person or disappearing. We should learn from this show.