Paying a huge fine that i cannot afford :(
I have recently been hit with a huge fine of £1.1k. I have tried appealing it but i cannot go any further as the next step is court and that is off the table.
Background info: - I make £600 a month (£2-300 in expenses each month like food, rent etc) - I am an 18 year old high school student in England, London - I work for my dads company out of his pocket - The fine must be paid all in one (No payment plans etc) - I am very lucky to have parents who have some kind of disposable income however not to this extent
Realistically, my parents are going to have to pay it. I don’t have the money to pay for it myself although i wish i could just pay it off and not worry them. Any advice on where i could find the money? How to approach parents?
Please try help me im so anxious atm :(