Best dog pee/poop solution

I live in an apartment with my dog who is an American bully ,2yrs , female. We used to take her out on walks to do her potty business and all . But then people started having a problem with my dog peeing in the road and all. We shifted to using pee pads in our laundry area. But the problem is that the entire apartment smells bad and the pee is always everywhere in the laundry area. So what is the solution to this? I want the pee to not get everywhere and not to smell so bad. Please let me know if you have any suggestions/solutions

Edit: my dog is potty trained and she does have timings to when she pees and poops. That is what we were doing until we moved into this new apartment. It is after coming here that the neighbours started having a problem with my dog peeing on the road and mind you i always picked up the poop and never left it out. I also cant see why they would have a problem with my dog peeing on the public road ( not in front of their house , did not even take her anywhere near their house) Ps. To those who are concerned my bully is pocket sized and she is very happy in her apartment. We used to live in a house and shifted to kochi and rented this apartment. I will be shifting back to a house asap cuz i think that is the best option for her.