KRBAY References In The Games?

Hey everybody! Happy holidays! This is extremely random but I was wondering how many anime references are in the games. From the top of my head:

-Meta Knight's sword, Galaxia was first named and given a proper design in the anime.

-Dedede's Castle in Kirby Squeak Squad is designed after it's anime appearance. Additionally, NME's monster transporter appear in the background his arena.

-Kirby says "Poyo" in Mass Attack, Epic Yarn, and Squeak Squad.

-Additionally, Mass Attack itself has multiple references to the anime as well. Particularly in it's subgames. Like the NME Salesguy and the Holy Nightmare Co logo appearing in Statro Patrol EOS' game over. And several other ones showing up in Kirby Quest.

Meta Knight's and Nightmare's Japanese voice actors reprised his role for the Super Smash Bros series. (Along with Super Kirby Clash.)

-Octagon makes a cameo as one of Adeleine's drawings in Kirby Star Allies. Additionally, if you choose Soul Melter in The Ultimate Choice, kirby will mimic his face from when he was possessed by the Demon Frog. (Also, buff Dedede might be a reference to the Demon Frog too. But that's unconfirmed..)

-I'm not sure if this counts but Escargoon and plushies of both Tiff and Tuff have cameod in various offiical artworks.

Sorry for the long list lol. Those were all of the ones I could think off the top of my head. Are there any other ones that I'm missing?