Revamping the Point of Divergence: Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

Hi there!

My name is lehmannmo, some of you may know me as an editor for the official KR Wiki. Recently, when I heard that the German Rework is frozen, I made some thoughts on how to potentially improve the German Weltkrieg and interwar lore, as many important historical figures are entirely missing/misrepresented (even in the reworked lore) and lots of events are a weird blend of new & legacy lore. I got me some scientific literature and soon realized one major problem - the current point of divergence does not really make sense and has no proper in-lore justification.

Of course I am talking about unrestricted submarine warfare. In current lore, Wilhelm just randomly decides to not re-launch it in early 1917, but we never learn why exactly and his decision never really has political consequences - which is weird, because at that time a vast portion of German society as well as most of Wilhelm's closest associates supported it wholeheartedly (including bis wife, brother & sons).

Therefore, I wrote a long proposal about how to potentially improve all of this. Everything I state is based on research I made - so I hope you guys like it. Here is the proposal.