Galina Trefil: Post 12
My name is Galina. I'm the daughter of a serial killer. Many victims that escaped my father were tortured in Ukiah, California. These survivors would not be aware that they were victimized by such a predator. John Trefil was extremely intelligent, targeted multiple victim types, and he knew which groups of people wouldn't be listened to if they came forward. Around 1980-1982, (give or take,) John worked at the Ukiah Hospital. According to him, when he worked in the ER, he tortured just under a dozen patients that came in with emergency injuries. These were people in terrible physical agony seeking medical aid. His personal kick was to deny them anesthetic when he knew they needed and were entitled to it. They writhed. They cried. He watched. I believe that he said that he denied anesthetic during basic operations, like stitches, but it's been so long, I can't swear to that. My mother confirmed this story of his, because she remembered him telling her that he was doing this. She did not report him at the time it was happening, so more people were victimized. I do not know if he was ever in a position to inflict this method of cruelty when he worked at the Fort Bragg Hospital. I only know that, while working there, there was a point that he was the Chairman for the Hospital Well-Being Committee. He knew all the dirt on which doctors had drug and alcohol problems; which ones were coming to work under the influence. According to him, several local doctors were doing this. As Chairman, John's job was to ensure the doctors got help with their addictions. I can't state enough, if John Trefil goes down, he won't do it quietly. He was a prominent psychiatrist for Mendocino County for twenty years. He was an expert witness for the DA's office in predator cases. He lectured law enforcement about capturing predators. He was involved, in a removed fashion, with the Children of God cult. He knows secrets about very influential people. I'm not going to say that's why nothing has happened in terms of his prosecution. I can't imagine him knowing and stockpiling that data has helped though. Below I enclose a photograph of him around the time period where ER patients were being tortured.