Galina Trefil: Post 10
My name is Galina. I'm the daughter of a serial killer and I need your help. I understand that law enforcement has officially put out a statement that there is no actual evidence in the diaries of murder. I am now going to share the name of one my father's victims. I had no intention to make specific victims' names public because it will always be my hope that law enforcement will spare the families that public dose of awful and inform them privately in an in-person safe space. That not necessarily being that case changes things. I first contact Charlottesville PD almost a decade ago to share the information that John's diary said a patient named "Midgett" died because of him in Virginia, 1979. I was told by PD that this information was too vague in order to discover the victim--Midgett's--identity. I was blown off. Well, publishes the death certificates of Virginia residents. I was able to find out exactly who "Midgett" is, by the date of death and the fact that he died in the hospital wherein John worked in a position of power. Figuring this out wasn't even hard! William Flint Midgett, age 37. Death ruled of natural causes. John stressed that, whenever possible, he didn't kill his own patients, but rather those of other doctors, so if anything was discovered to be amiss, the other doctor would receive the blame; not him. William Flint Midgett was apparently an exception to the rule. I shouldn't be having to do this research. My posse should not be having to do this research. You the public shouldn't be having to do this research. I'm doing it, and now a lot of you are too, because it's the right thing to do. I was advised by Det. Sam Logan from the Mendocino County Sheriff's Department to allow Athena Bolton, (who now works at the DA's Office,) to scan my father's diaries. I complied with the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office. I did what I was told. I handed them over. Saying they are of no evidentiary value baffles me.
Please share.