Honestly..if this team is our last line of defense against the Viltrumites, then we are goddamn fucked 6 ways to sunday.
Shapesmith is basically Mr Fantastic from Wish, Kate is goddamn Ass at using her powers and she basically only exists to die. Black Samson,what the hell even are his powers, Darkwing II basically is what it Barman had powers but also a complete dumbass.
The Immortal is one of the worst leaders i have ever seen,all dude is does is bark orders and lacks actually good leadership tactics and qualities which is ironic for someone who was a former president.
If I was Cecil,this entire team is getting a rehaul and a reboot,and tbh,this is also his fault as well as well as Immortal's since they basically lost the faith and trust of the few actually competent heroes, (Rex,Rae,Monster girl and especially Mark all cause Cecil had to be a paranoid control freak).