Burma in Indian history
The last King of the last Indian subcontinent empire, Bahadur Shah Zafar of the Mughals, was buried in Burma. The last King of the last Burmese empire, Thibaw Min of the Konbaungs, was buried in India. For a little over a century, Burma was part of India but still, not quite a part of the country's nationalist emotion. Burma witnessed mass-scale migration of Indians cross border during the 1942 Japanese raid, but still, this chapter of Burmese history is conveniently removed from the Indian history, as if the nation never shared anything much with India. Ethnically, there are several tribes of Northeast India that share similarities with Burma or Myanmar, but somehow that common bond is overshadowed by the conflicts caused around the Rohingya community. Nevertheless, Burma, is an inseparable part of Indian history that must be revisited.