Unfair hate towards Uday’s diss

Gaush absolutely killed it but the problem with you guys is that you are expecting Uday to clear allegations on Hustle, it’s not his fkn job he is a victim himself of the show.

Gaush diss felt more on dissing hustle rather than Uday!

Good on Uday’s to clear the major allegations of leaking the song, he literally showed the bar he wrote before. If that’s the case, what is the beef between them anyways? No?

Gaush will direct his diss towards Uday next, he already said he is dropping a 2nd diss and then it would be fair to compare.

All I hear is that people want to witness next Krsna vs Muhfaad, and when it really is happening, you guys start to trash the songs unfairly. Wait for them, they both are capable!