I want her

I 18M my 20F sister are pretty close lately she is half sister to me and we didn’t grew up together but in the past a few years we have been close like telling each other things and just chatting for hour or so

Tonight i was just casually talking to her and she brought up that her mother is mad at her and she didn’t do anything that made her angry i said yeah moms are like that even my mom too and she said “ yeah i wish i had freedom “ and we continued talking for a bit till she said “ even tho my mom thinks she controls me i do whatever i want “ here i was like she definitely did it and i said “ me too i did every thing and even banged few “ she didn’t said much about the banging and continued

Now i want a way to get her like i had this incest thing for a while but it was cousin thing but now i want my sister (btw we don’t live in the same house but pretty close to each other like 20 minutes she is with her mom and me too our dad is not in the same country as us rn) like can you guys tell me a way to seduce her like make her want me too

No i’ll not send pictures of her, thanks !