I think my sisters are into me? Final update
Sorry for the delay. This week has been really difficult for me and my sisters and I wanted to let everyone know what’s happening. The TL;DR of this is it has ended.
As I mentioned in my last post me and Amy fucked and the mood shifted massively between us two and with me and my other two sisters. Developments have unfolded and they have somehow seen or been shown my posts and are mortified that I’ve been sharing our story. To say they were furious would be an understatement. They saw the comments and demanded to see the messages people have sent and believe I’ve shared their photos and details. The mood at home is fractious now. Jessica has taken some of her stuff and moved in with a friend. Amy has done something similar and Sarah is now basically working opposite shifts to me so we’re very rarely in the house together now.
I’ve tried to speak with them to reassure them that hasn’t been the case but they’re not interested. I don’t know how we’re going to recover from this as a family. I’m now scared they’re going to tell me mum and I genuinely think that will break her heart. We’re now in conversations to sell our house and go our separate ways.
I’m sorry this update hasn’t been more positive but I’m afraid this is the end. Goodbye r/incestconfessions. I’ve loved sharing my story and speaking with so many of you.