I think my sisters are into me? Update 6
Wow you guys are loving this. I’m so glad you are. I love sharing my story with you all.
So Amy has now all but seen my dick. She seemed to like it. Now it was time for Jessica and Sarah to catch sight of it. I’m hoping that Amy has spread the word and the others would be more intrigued to see for themselves.
The next day I come home from work. I’m exhausted after the day, I say I’m going upstairs for a bath to relax. Sarah is alone watching TV. Jessica and Amy have both gone out. I head upstairs, undress and fill the tub. My body is aching and my mind is running at a million miles an hour, namely because of work but more and more of my brainpower is taken up with thoughts of the last few days and everything that’s gone on.
I sit in the bath and relax. The hot water feels so good against my weary bones. Thinking about what’s been happening I start to get hard again. Suddenly there’s a knock on the door and Sarah comes in. I don’t have time to cover myself and she sees me erect in the bath. She, like Amy, stares for what feels like an eternity. “Holy shit she wasn’t wrong” is what she says, her eyes wide. “What are you talking about?” I ask, trying to look uncomfortable but not wanting hide anything. “Amy said she saw you in your pants yesterday” she starts, “she said your penis was pretty big and I thought she was exaggerating but she definitely wasn’t.” “That’s great” I reply, “why is everyone talking about my dick and I’ve not seen anything of anyone else?” I blurt. I don’t realise what I’m saying until I’ve said it. Sarah again stares at me in shock.
What happens next almost gave me a heart attack. I almost can’t believe it did. She comes and sits on the side of the tub next to me. “I’m sorry if we’ve been making you uncomfortable, we didn’t realise it made you feel this way.” She then leans over her and tries to grab my dick. She’s millimetres away before she stops herself. My dick is twitching like mad at what is going on. “I’m sorry” she says, before walking out.
I sit in the tub for another 15 or so minutes. The water had cooled down now and was getting cold. I got out, dried off and got dressed. I went to join Sarah but the mood in the air was frosty. We didn’t speak much for the rest of the day. I think she told my sisters that I’m uncomfortable and they’ve now eased off on what is going on.
I’m now super confused and disappointed at what has just happened. It was so close to going to the next level and has now ground to a halt. Do I say something to them? Tell them how I feel or try to restart it? I’m so confused.