2021 Stimulus

I just filed my taxes for 2024.

I had heard that I still had time to collect the stimulus for 2021. I didn't work that year, I wasn't claimed as a dependent as far as I know (over age), and I didn't file from what I can remember.

To be sure I didn't file, I requested a transcript from the IRS for the 2021 tax year. If I filed I know info would pop on the transcript, but if I didnt file can anyone tell me what can I expect? A letter or a blank transcript?

Also, as soon as I get that confirmation I wanted to head to H&R Block to help me file before April 15th, as I know you can't file electronically for that year. Are there any tips for me or anything to note? I really want to claim that stimulus before it's too late and I'm worried I'm going to be paying H&R Block and then end up being denied the stimulus somehow? Money is extremely tight, dealing with an injury at the moment.

I'm not really tax savvy so any help is greatly appreciated.