Ehhh wtf is this?!

I was scrolling Instagram and this thing popped up in an Ikea advertisement. At first I was like Ikea is selling voting booths now?! But apparently these are working pods that have a power strip built into them… but just look at this price, $600 for a hollow-tube frame, a small desk, and a felt shell thing. This thing is so overpriced and niche that I can’t believe it was the first thing advertised. Some of the things Ikea puts out I just don’t understand, especially at this pricepoint!

I was scrolling Instagram and this thing popped up in an Ikea advertisement. At first I was like Ikea is selling voting booths now?! But apparently these are working pods that have a power strip built into them… but just look at this price, $600 for a hollow-tube frame, a small desk, and a felt shell thing. This thing is so overpriced and niche that I can’t believe it was the first thing advertised. Some of the things Ikea puts out I just don’t understand, especially at this pricepoint!