Why do people insist 99 is better? 2011 is supreme.

I’m keep hearing it again and again. Why? Everything is 2011 is better from OST to depictions of the characters and fight scenes. Everything! Sure.. Kite.. ok, but manga readers didn’t need that. If you love Togashi you’ve read the manga, the source. You can feel the whole artistic vision of Togashi manifested into life in 2011. And yeah 99 has some great scenes. It’s fucking HxH it’s all good. I’m fond of the candy scene with Killua in Heaven’s Arena. And honestly Kurapika’s training felt way more deep in 99. Darker vibe though? What is that even? Doesn’t change much for the storyline and plot for me.

And with Yorknew, that arc is backpacking the 99 lovers. Put 2011 and 99 side by side for a second. 2011’s show Uvo’s show of a fully fledged Enhancer. Kurapika v Uvo. Killua and Gon being chased by Nobunaga and Phinks. 2011 clears.