Ideas for Ship Tier 6 Upgrades

Been thinking a lot lately that another ship upgrade will probably be rolled out at some point soon, likely when the full Illuminate force punches down on us forcing High Command to roll out some new things. With that, I've been cooking up some ideas on what I think the next ship upgrades will do and their justifications in canon. I AM NOT A GAME DESIGNER AND DO NOT CLAIM THAT THESE ARE BALANCED, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM DOING.

Patriotic Administration Center: Increased Supply Storage - Reduces ration supplies to make more room for ammunition. Resupply cooldown reduced by 25%.

Orbital Cannons: Longer Shells - All orbital shells are increased in length so that more ordinance can be packed inside. Orbital stratagems do 25% more damage.

Hanger: Sturdier Cockpit - Eagle cockpit is made sturdy enough so that the ship can exit and re-enter atmosphere at less risk to the pilot. Eagle stratagems can be called after Destroyer leaves.

Bridge: Internet Access - Security protocols are updated allowing use of the Galactic Wide Web on the destroyer. Unlocks encyclopedia for Helldiver use and more NPCs are made available to talk to.

Engineering Bay: Increased Work Ethic - Ship engineers are approved to a paid lunch break if they meet the daily quota. All emplacement stratagems (mines, turrets, shield emplacement) have their cooldown reduced by 20%.

Robotics Workshop: Contract Improvements - Super Destroyer is approved to join a better contract with vehicle manufacturers. All vehicle stratagems now get a stratagems launcher.