I love wasting recon players' time
I have beef with the recon class. I hate it. I think the things it gets to do are toxic and annoying especially the spawnkilling and just generally camping in enemy territory. My hate for the class began when I was still a noob trying to build some fortifications as engineer, asking for supply trucks and getting shot as soon as I got in them and left the spawn. Then when I would run back to get back in the supply truck they would still be there waiting! In retrospect that's a horrible use of a recon player's time but back then it annoyed me so much that some players actually do this. Then it got worse as I eventually started playing commander. Needless to say that decent enemy recon is a commander's bane, or atleast such an annoyance. Then it got really worse when I started playing armor and found out about the joy of getting spawnkilled trying to get the medium in mid. What a great class! I love dying to some nerd camping the spawn killing me before my game even renders anything! Can't escape this shit no matter what you play! Anyways, I got good at artillery and realized, wait, a couple of minutes of me firing shells in a point can get me 10 to like 30+ kills, meanwhile they have to run to me to kill me then they have to waste more time staring at nothing expecting me to respawn, but guess what, I'll just wait for them to get bored and I'll go drive a supply truck placing down garrys and an outpost in the meanwhile. Recon players, while you wait for me to spawn back on arty, I got 2 garrys up for my team and an op and maybe kills too. When you get bored and leave, I hop back on arty and drop another 10+ dudes on your team. More, the longer you allow me to fire. You gotta come back now. You gotta kill me and stare at the spawn again. And when I come back 5, 10 minutes later and you're still there, I love it. I love knowing that you just wasted all this time staring at nothing because I'm giving you and your team PTSD by being on artillery. I absolutely love it and I love that the moment you leave my spawn I'm back on arty turning the tide in my team's favor in the contested point once again. I control you. I get so much satisfaction knowing I am 10x more useful than you because of all the times I got killed in random places driving my supply truck or all the times I just wanted to get in my tank. I hate your class and I love FORCING YOU to come get me off artillery. Is arty op too? Yes. I don't care. You didn't have to kill me in my supply truck all those times I just wanted to build a bunker or something inside a point as an engineer. I will abuse arty all the time because I love making your game experience more miserable.