Urgent: Need New Home for Spiney!!
video of the cutie patootie
To keep things short, my boyfriend and I have had the privilege of owning Spiney for the past 6 months. Unfortunately, due to a change in our finances, we will be moving to an apartment that doesn’t allow pets under any circumstances (we live in a tiny town so it’s hard to find apartments).
I stalk this sub enough to know that there are true hedgie lovers here and thought I’d reach out for help giving him up for adoption or receiving resources on how to find people. I’d be giving him away for free as well as:
- A discountable 20x40 cage
- A fleece liner
- A night vision camera
- A travel bag
- 2 months worth of his favorite food
- Two wheels
- Two crawling tubes
- His bathroom (he’s actually almost potty trained)
- Three crawling fluffy spaces he sleeps in
- Two water jugs that are leak-proof
- 4 thermometers, including 3 Bluetooth ones
(~$1500 total worth)
Please let me know if you might be interested or where I can find adoption resources. (FYI the Shapiro book was a meme gift from a friend)