Does anyone else miss the Pilot Exorcist design?
I had made a post about this in the past, but I decided I wanted to try and bridge the discussion once more and bring up how much it still stings that the coolest aspects of the Exorcists feels like they were abandoned; Like how in the early test footage they had TALONS on their hands, or how their bodies/designs were more monstrous (jagged fangs, more automaton-like/bestial, the notched halos)
Granted this was all pre-release of the series proper, and things could even have changed very little at all; But between live-streams describing them as 'bloodthirsty' or using a variety of weapons to the point of being essentially walking armories that used any and all kinds of blessed weaponry, to being little more than cannon fodder/Adam's harem in the final release, where it begs the question how NOONE had the idea to even TRY and fight back against such sloppy, incompetent enemies?
Maybe I'm a bit hyper-fixated on my own biases and preferences, but I would kill to have a return to form; Where the Exorcists (or perhaps for these specific ones 'Exterminators' as they were dubbed by the fandom) are more like living weapons or these more monstrous types of angels.
But moreover I want to hear your guys' thoughts; Do you think the Exorcists lost some much needed edge/threat level, or do you prefer the newer ones entirely?