Awesome battery, thanks!
Just wanted to give a general shout out about the great tips here. Although I did end up having to do just about every bit of advice in here about battery life, I regularly now get about 5-6 of battery when I'm out writing on the weekends.
I was so mad because I was willing to accept the battery wasn't going to last much when I was out and about, since I was expecting to be able to plug in... Turns out, I can't plug in where I go to write. Was only getting maybe 1.5-2hrs at most of battery, which of course is ridiculous when I'm just trying to write. But after looking at the threads here and taking the advice (and I really needed to do it all), now my battery lasts the entire time the place is open! The battery estimator in Windows is still trash (or rather, it seems to sample every so often and estimates on what I happen to be doing at that moment meaning it jumps wildly back and forth on time estimates).
Edited to explain:
I read carefully through several battery life posts in this sub. I'll try to summarize what I remember I actually did:
Install HWinfo and set it to run in your system tray and change colors when your discharge rate gets above.. 10. It should be staying at below 10 when you're idle. Basically before you do anything and/or if you are running things intensely, it'll get into the high 20s and 30s. You also want to see a battery drain rate of around 1% every 4 minutes or longer. (Don't trust the estimated time Windows gives you unless you understand it's bouncing around based on your activity, but the percentage is fine you just gotta math the math yourself).
First, of course, make sure everything is updated. I mean everything related to Windows, NVIDIA, HP utilities, Omen processor related utilities, etc. and then run those for their updates. (I happen to have my Nvidia drivers set to studio, not game, but I don't know if that makes a difference)
Make sure Power is set to Quiet in the Omen hub, and turn off NVDIA overlay. Some people uninstall Omen but I didn't. Check all these Nvidia, Omen, HP support for power settings stuff
In NVIDIA Control Panel, under Manage 3D Settings, go to the Global Tab and under Preferred Graphics Processor", set it to Integrated Graphics. I do believe someone said in one of the threads that sometimes they have to go in and reset on occasion but I may be thinking of some other feature. Either way, if battery gets goofy again, check these things again to make sure they stayed. Also someone linked to a program that makes switching this particular setting easier... Can't vouch for it and don't need it so didn't try. Actually, mine is set to auto-select, and judging from the little NVIDIA utility I've got in my system tray it's doing a good job of not using the dgpu. I believe this suggestion was in another sub.
I don't remember all the settings. Somewhere I had set to 60 from 144 for the screen refresh rate, and turned on monitoring for if the dgpu is on from Nvidia but don't remember where. In windows I still have it to 144, so I could probably get some more savings there if I felt I needed it but I also feel like I did set it somewhere else? Maybe in hp support assistant?
Windows power settings, make sure those are set right. Enuff said. I followed some power recommendations in windows 11 (best power efficiency setting, etc) and also the old school control panel stuff. I also mostly keep it in energy saver mode but that being said if I just turn down the screen brightness and keep dark theme on most things, it's not a big diff. I couldn't keep the dark theme on my writing software when dimming the screen tho but it seems fine.
Turn off the backlit keyboard, it sucks more life than your screen.
Then, make sure to remove any obsolete software that lingers. I want to say one of the old Omen softwares was still hanging out and running even though it was replaced with another. Of course this is also a good time to remove anything else you don't really use and disable various things on start up that you don't really use or need. I don't have MSI afterburner for example, though I don't remember if mine came with it on.
Someone recommended disabling the NVIDIA localsystem container in services.msc. I see mine is set to automatic and not disabled, but I wonder if simply me turning off the overlay in the NVIDIA software isn't just the same thing?
There's also a regedit someone mentioned, to disable Turbo Boost but I didn't do that, I don't think.
I believe in the BIOS my battery is set to adaptive. Don't think I needed to change the preferred GPU. Checked the battery in the utility and then did a calibration (make sure you follow the instructions well for the looping calibration stuff and let the laptop cool completely before plugging back in. HP has videos etc, understand them well.)
HP support also had me do calibration again, but from Windows which didn't seem to do anything.
Now that all being said, I wasn't paying attention properly to the battery discharge rate when I first started doing on this, so you might just do some of it and get the perfect result.