Whom The God's Fear & The God's Amongst Them Revamped

Preface WARNING: Dark Themed Content

The fibrous Sticky texture of the grains gripped to Marriells' four fingered hands and the long mute blue gown that draped around her as she walked amongst the best crop she and her father had seen in cycles. Her large snow burned eyes beamed as her chest heaved with the exertion of the days labor while her pale near translucent skin seemed to shine in the artificial light of the makeshift subterranean farm. Breaking into dance amongst the grain and stalks so ripe for harvest she smiled. Knowing that finally after her fathers long years of labor, her mothers death and her aging before her due time ,that they had hope. Hope that they could leave, be rid of this terrible place, find a transport of world and never return. Oh how the thought filled her with joy so! A cheerful yip escaped her lips and she knew she could contain it no more. She rushed through the paths between rows of grains to the stairs that led up to their ramshackle home.

Reaching the zenith of the stairs she heaved against the heavy door that had hidden their precious harvest for so long. Feeling its great weight give, her smile was wisped away and her eyes forced closed, the great cold of the world rushed in. Barely heated by the shack marielle called home. Turning to force closed the door as quickly as possible to prevent the cold from reaching the crop below she pressed against the cold material of the door until that satisfying click told her she had achieved her goal.

Turning to begin her search for her father she opened her eyes as her smile returned. It did not remain. For before her on the dirty cold floor laid her father, or at least most of him. He laid there in a pool of his own purple blood, arm outstretched to the door his daughter had just emerged from. A look of true fear adhered to his face. A sole remaining tear falling to the floor from his cheek as his body was jerked violently, forcing Merielle to realize. That at her fathers feet sat a emaciated man wearing dark clothes. Cutting pieces of her father away. The air had never felt so cold or her single chambered heart beat so slow. As the moment that man, that demon, looked up at her and smiled. As he placed a piece of her father in his toothy maw and began to chew. Merielle tried to scream, to run, to do anything but her body refused her. Frozen in fear she watched as the dark clothed man stood and motioned to her side. Suddenly realizing they weren't alone her head snapped in the direction the man had indicated, only to see a large calloused fist just as in impacted her face. She collapsed to the floor, trying to reach for her fathers cold hand as the world around her began to go white before falling black and silent.



The day was proving to be far too much like every other day on this space forsaken station for Cava. Cleanup the empty rations packs, waste and refuse as much as one can on an old ruined station with more holes then rooms. The latest pirate lord wasn't exactly the cleanest individual but he didn't let his crew use Cava as target practice like the last one did when he refused to have an knowledge of the builders. Instead he seemed continent to let Cava try to maintain the station, even letting him use some of their plunder for needed repairs on occasion. They didn't bring loot or creds this time though. As soon as the docking hanger doors closed. It was clear on the pirate crews had taken a step into a new market, slaves. Not wanting to assist in such as a think as it directly contradicted the original coding setting limitations on C.A.V.A. units. Cava set about on the endless task of keeping the station in as few pieces as possible. looking around and settling on the nearest maintenance hatch Cava set about deducing the closest needed repair. Squeezing through narrow maintenance crawl spaces to repair another broken nitro line that Cava as sure he had "repaired" just a couple standard cycles prior.

"They never think about the infrastructure it's always the same. Find the station tech and force them to adjust the station atmospherics so we can take off our respiration devices! Biological life at its finest."

Cava whispered as quietly as he could, mocking the stations tenants. Sure, they fine a particle lance, but try to explain that increased nitrogen flow will cause a dangerous build off of condensation and corrosion of the station atmospheric infrastructure and you get beat. At least this pirate group spoke one of the more common languages, so it was definitely better then it could of been. Recalling when the first newcomers arrived and insisted on wasting munitions of his precious station for a standard week before attempting to dock.

Cava chuckled, musing at his thoughts as he searched for the damaged line, he couldn't help but miss the days of his youth. The station was much busier in those days, back when he repaired war ships the likes the galaxy hadn't seen in many deca-cycles. A sudden wet drop on his dorsal ridge snapped him out of his daydreaming and brought attention to the task at hand.

Rolling over onto his back and supporting his weight with his lower abdominal appendages Cava looked at what remained of the last repair job. A barrel from one of the stations long since destroyed point defense oscillators or at least what was left of it as Cava could see clean through it now, rust and chemical corrosion undoing his best attempts to keep the station together. Normally there would be replacement parts in the storage halls on the lower decks, but this station ceased to operate normally long ago.

Cava lay there looking at the small decimation of his home trying to think of a solution to this problem before it grew. If the nano forges were still operational, he could simply disassemble a molecularly similar item to the original conduit and reassemble it into his needed part. Sadly, they had been removed from the station to make room for a spice den by tenants Cava truly detested. Perhaps the machining rooms but they've been depressurized for nearly as long as the medical deck.

Sighing in defeat Cava began the slow crawl back out toward the new station tenants, admittedly he went at a slower pace than normal, but the pirates wouldn't know that. Nearing the exit grate after mere moments Cava stopped, seeing a number of alien species being pulled through the stations main complex in chains. Fresh tears in their eyes and clear signs of abuse of al kinds caused a spark in Cava's memory. Sensing an almost forgotten memory hidden behind cycles of memory rot he turned around. Feeling an energy course through him Cava tore down the cramped maintenance spaces, Cava couldn't help but make happy chirps as he headed to his nexus.

It felt as if it only took mere micro units to come into sight of it, the stations heart. The energy he had felt on his return to this point faded as quickly as it came upon him, this was his home, but it had also been the home of his brothers, how he missed them. Some still lie at their posts, skeletal remains of what the once were, it was if they were watching him, now more than they ever had in life as he slowly crept his way past and into the central nexus. Entering the long empty room Cava felt as if he had walked directly into his own past, he hadn't been here since the great retreat was called. before him sat a rather plain room, full of debris and leaking condensation from the ceiling pipes, a console with a long since broken screen sat in the rooms center. A pulsing red light radiating from it. Cava felt his mind go numb he found his finger lay upon the blinking light, not recalling his journey across the room Cava waited. After all being down to his final prerogative to keep the station operational a few more minutes of relative quiet couldn't hurt.

A small explosion reverberated through the station, solidifying Cava's resolve. He would tolerate no more of this, no more will he watch his precious station crumble in the hands of those who do not deserve it, so he pressed the button. Claxons sounded, emergency lights flickered, as the station was calling far out into the darkness, away from the core and into the void. It had been so many cycles since Cava had seen his masters, but he knew they were still there, and they would answer his call.

A call to the one's the gods feared

*Took a break from Socials after the initial release, revamping the entire series and will be sticking to a release plan. As always critiques are welcome and hope you enjoy! Humans coming in chapter Two where clear HFY elements will be introduced. Just a bit of world building here for chapter one."