PSA for new/unfamiliar players: Condensed Resin is a godsend and 100% worth it to make
For the longest time I thought that condensed resin was an additional cost instead of a replacement cost and also didn't realize it doubled all the drops since it just says "an additional reward." I thought it had meant I'd get like 1 more item, but thankfully I was wrong.
It doesn't cost you anything more than some mora and a crystal thing and you can save your condensed resin for other days where you want to farm a specific material or item. And then when you get to the right day, you can use your already stockpile condensed resin (max of 5 cuz of rules) and then turn that days accumulated resin into more condenses resin (max of 4 because of the 160 resin limit) and then just farm like a madman in comparitively no time at all! You can get the rewards for doing a domain 18 times for the time it takes to do it 9 times with condensed resin.
Early and mid game you won't get as much benefit because of the time requirement to complete the challenges, but as you get higher and higher and can combo and kill things faster, it becomes invaluable. Especially since it also works on leylines (BUT NOT ON ANY BOSSES) so you can fill up on mora/exp mats in a decent time frame. Making condensed resin also counts toward your daily resin expenditure in the battle pass!
EDIT: you get the recipe for condensed resin as a reputation reward from Liyue. You shouldn't need it too much before that point anyway, so worry not, new players!