anyone else never cold approached anyone before?
2 relationships/ex's and they both came from social media. but i ain't never gonna cold approach no one in my life. and it ain't 100% social anxiety because i do pranks in real life sometimes and have no problem, its just the rejection.
i never been rejected in real life, but i wouldn't know what to do if i was. at least when i'm rejected online i could be like yeah yeah whatever bitch i ain't want your ass anyway (don't worry yall, i just say that in my head.. unless they're actually mean to me first then i send that text to them 😭😭).. and i could block but in real life what am i gonna do, smile in their face like a goofy ass idiot that i just got rejected? oh yeah ha ha ha, that's okay that you rejected me, have a good day! like hell no being rejected in real life is embarrassing, like i can't be too upset i just ain't your type but it's embarassing, you straight up just embarassed me so i can't just smile and laugh thats like awkward, like wtf is there to do in that situation.. idek but i cant do no cold approach in real life i'm sticking to social media. anyone else just refuse to do cold approach in real life?