Persona 5's localization is garbage -- why does the gaming community find this acceptable?

Since english copies have been spreading through the broader community, a few questionably lines have been popping up sporadically (e.g. the "Please take care of me" everyone thought was よろしくお願いします because it's the stock low-effort translation for that phrase, when the original line was different enough to make that line even less appropriate), but with the wide release last night it's basically been confirmed the entire script is full of awfully translated lines.

If you're not following enough people on twitter to have seen some of the examples from the first couple hours of the game, here's a few I've collected from my own feed:

There's also a NeoGAF thread about it that popped up overnight I haven't read through yet:

Yet for all these things, none of the glowing reviews so much as mention it. This isn't even a case of the script being wrong (it is on occasion though) but reading well, it reads absolutely terribly. You can literally see the Japanese sentence structure in so many lines like they just translated word by word with no editing. What makes this something the gaming community finds acceptable? I admittedly come from the biased source of being invested in Japanese media and following a bunch of people involved in its localization, but I don't see how an AAA game release in 2017 should be allowed to churn out such a lazy script like this is the 90s.

Incidentally, that would be my own speculation as to why people are fine with it -- the JRPGs people grew up on often did have very poor translations. As a result people just accept it and believe JRPGs are horribly written rather than questioning whether or not the translator did a shitty job.

So why do you think people accept these kinds of translations? Is it weebs being weebs thinking this is more "authentic", people taking whatever they can get, people honestly having no issues with ridiculously unnatural English, or something else entirely?