EU/PC/Switch/ps4 20+ looking for someone to play with, also open to do other stuff
hewwo looking for someone else who ideally has lots of free time. decembers gonna be low amount of work for me so i have plenty of freetime but nobody to share it with and id like to change dat.
i love (j)rpgs, horror, survival/crafting, sometimes the occasional VN, mobas, farming games and more.
im not super invested into shooters but it depends a lot on the game.
stuff on my backlog to play right now is: pokemon shining pearl, cyberpunk 2077, death end re:quest, nioh 2, pathfinder wrath of the righteous. Also looking forward to ff endwalker
im also quite into speedrunning and the FGC. i like competive games but dont necessarily look for someone to play competivly right now.
id be down to play a bunch of stuff, dunno if i should make a long list here but i can give some ideas i guess: sea of thieves (its currently on sale on steam and id buy it, never tried before), atlas, bit of pokemon maybe, nioh/dark souls, age of empires 4, coop rpgs (steam remoteplay?)
feel free to give me your suggestions too.
id also be cool to just chat, maybe listen to music or watch some movies/cartoons/youtube idk
im not looking to join any servers or friendgroups, groups make me anxious especially if i dont know anyone
thanks for reading buhbye