My Game Boy mod inspired by Eva01 palette
As requested by u/yaboichui I wanna show you my gameboy mod inspired by Eva01 palette.
I used clear purple for the shell, with clear acid green for the rigid buttons and a lower amount of yellow the select/start buttons and of course the connective gums in sight through the clear shell. The IPS screen is slightly bigger than the original and I added a Lipo battery with a transformer and recharge USB-C module. It makes some noise probably ‘cause of my newbie’s welding skills, but I’m pretty happy of the result! Hope you like it! :)
P.s.: There’s not any Evangelion game for Game Boy (I mean, not original game for the classic console for what I could know), so, the one it’s running is Battle Unit Zeoth, a semi-forgotten mecha shmup that surely deserved a modern improvement, probably one of my favourute game when a was a child.