I’m really enjoying posting in this group, you guys are great for advice and in general showing the love these trucks deserve. My question today is, out of curiosity has anyone ever acquired their truck by finding one out in the wild (that wasn’t advertised as being for sale) and asking the owner if they were willing to sell? I’ve been eyeing this Tahoe near me for a while, it’s identical to one my dad used to have and eventually hope to find the owner to ask about it.
I’m really enjoying posting in this group, you guys are great for advice and in general showing the love these trucks deserve. My question today is, out of curiosity has anyone ever acquired their truck by finding one out in the wild (that wasn’t advertised as being for sale) and asking the owner if they were willing to sell? I’ve been eyeing this Tahoe near me for a while, it’s identical to one my dad used to have and eventually hope to find the owner to ask about it.