Suggestions for discerning letters
I know letters are not allowed on this post but since they seem inevitable that some people may share (I.e to show LMs character) I thought I would add some suggestions on how to discern authentic from fake. I realise the schemers are watching and are relentlessly putting out whatever they can but with intuition, humility and critical thinking we can be well armed
First, would be to cross reference the catalog.
Second, people who do post letters can authenticate with envelope showing initials and last 2 digits of postal code.
Third, trust your gut based on what you know LM on your first feeling. For example, with the "ghetto" letter, this felt off to many because it wasn't aligned with the conscientious LM that we have gotten to know. Many letters that have been authenticated show his humor and resilience (hashbrown), Compassion(Karen) and appreciation of intellect and morals (Lorax).
Fourth, have humility. It's good to have a guess but be open to being correct and let others the space and grace to be wrong. If people make a mistake this is simply corrected when new information comes out. I find this will protect against any attempts at division. People can state their opinions and offer reasons why - since this can foster critical thinking.
The pros of LMs letters that are authenticated show his character. The cons of fake letters are they are a sneaky way to slander him (ie. Ghetto would make him appear snobby and lose support). So it's important to get better and discernment.
When you know someone or see them as they are, you can discern if something was from them (think of parent who knows their child).
Just felt like I would put it out there since I imagine the smear campaign is quite active so we should be discerning.