Should I go back to film school again?

TL:DR: feeling stuck in my career journey and I’m weighing the pros and cons of going back to school.

I ask this because I feel kind of stuck in my filmmaking career. I've been working freelance since 2018 since then I've worked on multiple different things. I've worked on four feature films, weddings, events, live speeches, TV broadcasting, documentaries, live streams, and sporting events, and even had footage I've shot on Good Morning America. I graduated from college last year but in many ways, I feel aimless and without connections. I live near the Metro-Detroit area and the film scene from my experience is small but eager. The last film I worked on really left a bad taste in my month I made a post about it here.

I think I've just been in my head lately because I've seen so many of my peers make strides within the filmmaking journeys. When I listed all the things I'm still very proud of the work I've done. I think I'm at the point where I want to work or be a part of creative projects. But I'm having a hard time getting those doors to open. I even have a hard time getting doors open in broadcasting.

I think what I hope to gain from school is making more peer connections with other filmmakers, getting more hands-on experience with cinematic cameras, use university resources to gain access to internship opportunities. These are just high hopes, and I know those things aren't granted. But I feel I made a mistake the first time around with the university graduated from solely focused on broadcasting and they're wasn't a heavy focus on the hands-on experience or film production; so I've always felt I was missing something.

I think I'm just weighing my options, I can see the benefits of school but I don't think I can afford the cost of it. But another of me just thinks of moving to a popular film city i.e. Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Atlanta, Toronto, etc. but if the horror stories. I've heard from people I worked on sets with they say that work dried up terribly.

So I'm just stuck in a limbo state right now and I would love to hear different perspectives or recommendations or suggestions. On what moves I should take.