Paw Patrol Backstory Theory
As a father to a young boy who loves nothing more than watching Paw Patrol I've sat through every episode at least 50 times and think its safe to say there isn't much I do not know about the Adventure Bay Universe.
Also noticed a lot of questions popping up such as how they pay for the Paw Patrol, where are Ryder's Parents How does someone like the Mayor get elected?
Well here is my theory and backstory to the universe with all questions asked. (The things you think about when watching this show!)
Enjoy the (dark) history of Adventure Bay! (this is all just for fun btw) ;)
10,000 years ago
Aliens visit Earth and leave some alien technology in an area which will one day become Adventure Bay. (Future alien descendants will return to see how the town is coming along)
1st Generation (Around 500 years before the series starts)
Albert Grover, a young brilliant but eccentric genius finds the alien tech and builds the small town of Adventure Bay around the area and installs himself as mayor and protector of the town.
A small number of people settle in the town
Fearing he will never have children to carry on his legacy Grover uses the alien Technology to build a robot child who like him is a genius... He calls him Ryder.
As the years go on Grover continues his experiments. He starts a project to see if he can create intelligence in animals.
9 Young puppies picked for the experiment
The experiment is successful and the puppies begin to show signs of human behavior such as speaking.
A fire breaks out in the lab and the puppies escape, 5 are re-captured and 4 get away
Ryder is given the title of Town Protector and along with his puppies install a gestapo like police force making sure the people of Adventure Bay stay in line.
Ryder builds a ‘lookout centre’ to watch the town and creates a giant telescope that is able to watch anyone in Adventure Bay at any time.
The 4 escaped puppies wonder the world. One ends up in the city of Barkingberg, one in the Jungle, one in the Arctic and one and the final one stays near Adventure Bay living by himself.
Grover ends up having a child with his wife to continue his line but keeps Ryder in charge of the secret police force.’
2nd Generation
Grover dies and his son takes over as Mayor. LIke his father he is also a genius and wishes to continue experiments.
He tries to combine different animal species, he uses puppies again (as they were successful before) and fish. He creates the first ‘MerPups’ They didn’t have the intelligence factor however so the experiment was deemed a failure. The Merpups were released into the ocean where they thrived as a race.
He gives Ryder more power in keeping people in line.
3rd and 4th Generation
2 More Grover Generations come and go. Adventure Bay turns into a police run fascist state controlled by the Grover Dynasty.
People pay large amount of taxes, a lot of this money goes to Ryder and his Secret Police force. What is not spent is saved and used in years time..
Grover the 4th tries to mimic his grandfather's experiments however is unsuccessful and results in a radiation spill into the town. This makes everyone in the town sterile and unable to conceive children and while living in the town also unable to have children.
The Goodway family who live in Adventure Bay grow tired of the fascist state run town and begin to plan a rebellion.
One night the Goodways along with some friends storm the home of Grover the 4th and overtake the town.
The Goodways Banish Grover to the outskirts of the town, a place known as foggy land.
The Goodways then storm the ‘lookout’ where Ryder and his police dogs reside.
The pups try to defend the lookout and Ryder but the people overpower them. In the struggle one of the pups (the Dalmatian) is hit on the head and suffers mild brain damage. from this point on will suffer from balance issues
They capture Ryder and the pups but do not have the heart to put the pups down. Instead Ryder is re-programmed to think he is a real child. The pups are given the role of ‘Paw Patrol’ to carry out mundane tasks around the town. (Over time the become the emergency services of the town)
The Goodways install themselves as the new Mayor and proclaim that Adventure Bay is now free but they decide not to hold elections for Mayors but to have a Dynasty of Goodways in order to prevent another leader like Grover.
They also cover up any information about the past experiments and what the Grovers did, Instead they make up that they are part of the Grover family and took over peacefully.
The date is forever remembered as ‘Grover Day’ and celebrated each year. A statue is created of the original Grover to keep everyone happy.
Grover the 4th sets up the neighbouring town in Foggy Land called Foggy bottom and has a child. He plans to retake the town one day. However as the generations go on this is forgotten.
Since the people of Adventure Bay are unable to have children they adopt children from outside the town. The Children are usually nieces, nephews or grandchildren. Hence why there are no parents in the town.
Present Day
The latest decedent of Grover is now the Mayor of Foggy Bottom, however the history has been lost and forgotten as he goes by the name of Mayor Humdinger and looks remarkably like his ancestor the original Grover. (See statue of Grover)
Some of his great grandparents genius still lies within Humdinger. WIthout even knowing it he tries to copy the original animal intelligence experiment but with cats. It only half works though
He is able to build robots such as robot kitties and automobile kitty cages
The latest Goodway adopted becomes the new Mayor. Because of the law of Goodway descendants getting into power no one questions her incompetencies of being able to run the town
Ryder, not knowing his true origins continues to protect the town with his Paw Patrol. However some of his original programming can still be accessed. ITs this which allows Ryder to build things like the paw patroller, air patroller and robo dog.
One of the Puppies (Rubble) is found near Adventure Bay and joins the Paw Patrol
The other puppies are also found, Everest in the Arctic, Tracker in the Jungle and Sweetie in Barkingberg.