Cluster seizures

Our golden boy (15 months) has had epilepsy since August and started having cluster seizures from Jan and has been having 2-3 seizures every week or so since. He's on pheno twice a day and last night he had 4 seizures in 20 minutes so is currently being looked after in ICU.

My heart breaks for him and I'm terrified we will have a dog that doesn't respond to treatment and will keep clustering 💔

We're hoping to add another medication but I just wanted to reach out and ask if anyone's been in a similar situation and have managed to get their dogs seizures controlled?

Just praying it's not downhill from here and that we can control them better 🙏 I'm terrified of seeing this again, it was just horrible to witness and I'm scared that next time we won't get him to the vets in time and it will be too late 😢