Geeettttttt dunked on!!!

First and foremost, I gotta thank my boy, the MVP, MIMIC TEAR, for tanking damn near everything in the second phase (which is a complete shitshow and I hate it so much). Secondly, good lord the claws of the night are good. Legit took me 2 tries after switching to them and light rolling.

Damn near shat myself near the end though cuz I let bitdefender do a scan in the background and totally forgot about it and it legit just popped up while the boss was mid combo lol.

Don't mind the dragon incantations too much, they are just there cuz I was having fun with them beforehand.

Overall thoughts on this fight:

Phase 1 is phenomenal, it's so fun, fair and amazing. Nothing negative to say about that part (Apart from maybe when he does the gravity pull and then the swirl thingy but even that is reaching).

Phase 2 is dogshit. Legit the only part of the fight (and by extent the only boss) that I just couldn't do by myself and had to get mimic in there. I couldn't tell what was going on 90% of the time and just spammed B and prayed to dodge when the attack of the clones was happening and whatever was coming when he disappeared near the end (all I saw was an explosion lol).

PS. not that it matters much but, this was ng+3.