The podcast is boring

It's almost always just three of them, which means they're wasting half the crew. I know a lot of people don't like Isla and Gabby, but they have their own video game opinions that would add some variety if they participated. And Don needs to get over his shyness and be a full guest now too.

Bloodworth is an okay host but he's dry. Damiani barely talks about anything other than Nintendo or Square Enix and he's still painfully awkward. So Huber is the only one with any energy and even he looks tired and bored a lot of the time.

If Easy Allies plans to keep going as only a podcast and group stream, they need to rotate Isla, Gabby and Don on the desk too. Sometimes Don does a preview or impression but I think he needs to start being a full member of the podcast way more. I know he doesn't really like to, but it's stupid to keep his fun personality off the camera so much. For Gabby and Isla, look I get that people dislike them but at least they have more energy than Damiani. Depending on the topics, they can both be decent.

Every week needs to be four people and they need to rotate the hosting job more as well. Everything just feels so flat and repetitive now.