My (Perhaps Controversial) Tier List + An explanation and my thoughts on DT's progression as a band

This may be controversial, but I think that WDADU and The Astonishing are 2 of the most influential and groundbreaking prog albums of all time.

There are almost zero examples of albums that sound remotely similar to these ones, and I absolutely love it. My biggest problem with Scenes, SDOIT, Train of Thought, etc. is that a lot of the musical material on those albums on those albums is (in my eyes) a worse version of existing material from other bands (Opeth, Queensryche, Metallica, Megadeth, Symphony X, etc.)

LaBrie's vocals aren't my thing, and I think Dominici is a much better vocalist (at least in my taste).

But, perhaps nothing annoys me more than the hate for Falling Into Infinity. That is one of their top albums and I think people who hate on it need to learn to appreciate art for what it is and learn to stop being so closed-minded. You Not Me is probably one of my favourite songs of all time. By any artist. The hooks just go so, so so damn hard.

Finally, WDADU is Dream Theater's magnum opus. Many bands peak early, and DT is one of them. Kevin Moore and Charlie Dominici obviously brought so much to the band that I wish we had more of.

I rarely use Reddit, but I felt I had to share my (probably unpopular) opinions on here.

Let me know what you think below, and don't hate!

My Full Tier List: