How do you see your dreams?

Color's with light, reflections and all? Somewhat muted colors or faded? or black, white and grays (monochromatic)?

For those who dream in colors do you tend to be an emotional person? For those who don't do you suppress your feelings often?

One last question, do you tend to be an observer in life or more of a speaker and in the moment kinda personality.

I'm trying to see if there's some correlations to these and how people view their dreams.

Thank you!

Color's with light, reflections and all? Somewhat muted colors or faded? or black, white and grays (monochromatic)?

For those who dream in colors do you tend to be an emotional person? For those who don't do you suppress your feelings often?

One last question, do you tend to be an observer in life or more of a speaker and in the moment kinda personality.

I'm trying to see if there's some correlations to these and how people view their dreams.

Thank you!