I guess you've all heard about Ninja Theory speaking unflatteringly about OG Dante at the GDC 2013 presentation Many popular bloggers have spread this claim There are still similar claims that indicate some kind of NT's antagonism towards DMC fanbase.
However, I found this presentation and I declare to you with full responsibility that these statements (at least regarding the presentation) are not true Here is that very presentation, I found it and posted it so that the community could know the truth
You asked why I did it I will answer that out of a sense of justice Innocent people should not be accused of things that they did not do in reality. And I also want the community of which I am a part and I myself knew the truth.
The infamous DmC presentation of GDC 2013 where NT "allegedly" called OG Dante a gay cowboy (spoiler, they didn't actually do that, it was just a tongue-in-cheek joke about Capcom's request) The presentation was about the game's art direction compared to the previous games and wasn't meant to insult the OG characters https://youtu.be/BqQI13SU-ac?si=uYvZQvujCtP8bslp