So.... The Taken built their own leader, huh?
There's new lore tabs that dropped that you can get by doing the stuff for the Barrow Dyad catalyst week 2. I'll include the images here.
But heres the thing..... the Resonance song, aka entry 4. Seems to be from the perspective of a Dread, and they talk about how great it is that they belong now, yadda yadda. But they say halfway through:
The King is dead and speaks no more.
Whose is the new voice i hear?
A voice from the hollows, a silent voice
Out in the deepest dark
Created by the kings flock
Now, thats fantastic lore right there. The next lore tab, entry 5, From the Last? Speculation seems to say it might be about the Nine, since it talks a bit about accretion disks and such.
Here's my theory: Just the same way as Maya Sunderesh was able to claim the Echo, so too was there a chance to claim the power of the Taken. In Maya's case, the Echo hit the Vex Net, and she heard the call of it, and was the first to reach and claim it.
In this case, I think the Taken were sick of being leaderless, and used their collective will to begin to piece together a leader. This coalescence of Willpower sent a signal, and a member of the Nine caught on and saw an opportunity. If it could control the taken, it could amass enough power through the sword logic and the Taken's will to be able to gain a physical form. So it latched onto the Taken (and the dread by extension) and commanded them to anchor down the dreadnought, to anchor it into reality. It's using this connection to bring itself to life.
What do yall think? i think it clears up some questions, and other voicelines and such make sense in that context.