
I don't think the game will be released anytime soon. Although it looks more or less passable, it has a lot of problems. They can't balance the heroes properly. Either they give them some huge buffs, or they just kill them. I've only been playing it since May, and I see that they kill heroes. The same Lesh is now disabled, compared to his old one. The ult has become a complete disappointment. There is no normal radius without items. It can't throw back enemies properly. Although the button recharges in 100 seconds or more. Items that no one understands what to do with them. They added an item taking into account that you are good at finishing off spheres, but no one needs it because it has become garbage. By the way, yes, OPTIMIZATION. Somehow I think that with the tunnel Source 2, the game will not be well optimized. It is currently, to put it mildly, shitty. 70 fps on good hardware? Yes, there are problems in the hardware. By the way, due to the difference in fps and ping, you can't normally finish off spheres. And it's a shame that because of Valve's clumsiness you feel bad, you think that your aim is lame. The game will be released in end 2025, if not later. Bottom line, there is no balance, some items and heroes are simply more useful than others. There is no optimization and there won't be any. 3 out of 10.