Ruins story of mine.

Today I was playing ruins solo with ranger and I got 2 weapon dmg items at start. My idea was not going into pvp unless It's unavoidable. I heard some plate boot steps when I get to the middle of the map. It was a juiced fighter and cleric duo that I seen in lobby before the game started. So I make a run but they chased. To my luck we encountered another team of Roque and Ranger they clashed each other from range. So I came back a little. The cleric (it was a woman) yelled "kill the other ranger" While lookin at me. I was ready to be friendly so I yelled back "Wtf man I'm friendly." After hearing this cleric called me so I went. She and the Fighter(probably his bf) told me to team up with them on the other team. I agreed so we killed them after a chase. But we lose the cleric to roque. I thought fighter would kill me after his friends death but I was the one that killed the roque so I guess he understand that I'm no threat. He Took his gf heart and loot of the rogue. And let me loot the ranger he killed. It was bis blue weapon dmg set no bad items. So I'm sorry dude... After that we revived cleric and made it out after me killing a ranger and saving the cleric this time. We said goodbye to each other and left but I will never forget this game. Maybe if they see this they will remember and dm me so we can go crypts trio. I forgot to check their names ingame and the moment that I realise was too late cuz I was the one getting the last kills and the portal appeared info get their names replaced.